Armstrong Defense Fund Blog Professional Brickwork Repairs In Melbourne

Professional Brickwork Repairs In Melbourne

There are many reasons why you may need Brickwork Repairs Melbourne. Whether you have a damaged brick wall, or you simply want a professional to repair it for you, there are many services available. Below are some of the more common repairs. Foundation settling, Tuckpointing, cleaning, and colouring are just a few of the issues that you may face. Then, contact Tuckpointing Works Melbourne for more information.


Tuckpointing brickwork Melbourne is an important part of restoring the appearance of your property. It is a labor-intensive process that requires expert knowledge and use of advanced tools and chemicals. Professionals can use state-of-the-art tuckpointing equipment to restore your property’s charm. Whether your brickwork is damaged or simply looks unappealing, tuckpointing Melbourne services can help you save your property and increase its value.

Brick cleaners in Melbourne are the number one choice for brick work maintenance. They specialize in acid and high-pressure brick cleaning, and have a reputation for excellent finish. Tuckpointing Restoration Melbourne prides itself on their extensive knowledge, talent, and equipment. Call them for a free consultation and a no-obligation quote. Your bricks will look brand new again. And because they are specialists in the field, you’ll get the best service possible.


If your home or office is in need of some colouring, you may want to consider getting professional help with your brickwork. These repairs are typically quite difficult and should only be undertaken by professionals. However, they can help you restore the aesthetic value of your property and allow it to continue its development. We are proud to offer a variety of brickwork colouring options. Read on to learn more about our brick and mortar restoration services.

Foundation settling

There are many different causes of foundation settling, from high humidity to heavy rainfall. If you notice cracks in your brickwork or notice a zig-zag shape, foundation settling may be a sign of serious problems with your house’s foundation. To avoid further damage to your brickwork or foundation, take a photo of the crack. Your Acculevel project advisor can take the photo of the crack during your free assessment.

Foundation settling causes vertical cracks in brickwork

Vertical cracks in brickwork are common signs of a settling foundation. The cracks may run along the foundation wall at an angle of thirty to seventy degrees. They may be hairline-thin at one end, or larger and longer at the other. The cracks are the result of differential settlement of the home, which may be caused by a sloped foundation or uneven ground. Here are some common causes of vertical cracks and how to spot them.

Cost of repairs

The cost of brickwork repairs in Melbourne depends on the type of project and its size. Depending on the scope of the work, the cost of repairing only one or two cracked bricks may cost only $300 to $2,500, while repairing a full wall can cost anywhere from $25,000 to $100,000. It can be especially expensive if the brickwork is spalling, and restoring it properly can add another $500 to $1,200.